Welcome! Hojin Medical 호진 메디칼㈜ 을 방문해 주셔서 감사드립니다.
Welcome Hojin Medical
호진메디칼을 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다.
We attatch great importance
to technical value
KIRO Oncology
Robotic compounding system for sterile preparations of hazardous drugs
KIRO Oncology
Robotic compounding system for sterile preparations of hazardous drugs.
KIRO Oncology
Robotic compounding system for sterile preparations of hazardous drugs
사용자 인터페이스 구역
(User Interface Area)
에어 트리트먼트 구역
(Air Treatment Area)
컴파운딩 영역
(Compounding Area)
User touchscreen & Two label printers.
Barcode reader for product identification.
Environmental protection by high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) exhaust filter and negative pressure control in recirculation and exhaust.
Two peristaltic pumps for diluent filling of empty containers and reconstitution of lyophilized drug vials.
폐기물 지역
(Waste Area)
규제 준수
(Regulatory Compliance)
Regulatory Compliance
Two additional bag-in/bag-out filters for air cleaning before recirculation.
Two self-enclosed waste disposal units to prevent user exposure.
Compliance with USP and GMP regulations supported by standardizing aseptic procedures, facilitating personnel and process qualification, and minimizing risk of exposure when preparing hazardous drugs.
호진메디칼(주) 한태현 229-81-39589
서울특별시 강남구 밤고개로1길 10, 1823호
@Copyright HoJin Medical 2023. All Right Reserved.
회사명 : 호진메디칼(주) 대표자 : 한태현 사업자등록번호 : 229-81-39589 통신판매업 : 제2023-서울강남-04348호
주소 : 서울시 강남구 밤고개로1길 10. 1823호 (수서동, 수서현대벤처빌) Tel : 02) 577-0588 Fax : 02) 576-2135
@Copyright Hojin Medical 2023. All Right Reserved.