신경외과 및 정형외과

  Neurosurgical and Orthopedic Instruments

심혈관 및 흉부

 Cardiovascular and Thoracic Instruments


 ENT Instruments Catalog


Plastic Surgery Instruments


Ophthalmic Specialty Instruments

Retractor Systems Catalog

Single-Use Instruments Catalog

Kerrison and IVD Rongeurs Catalog

LightMat and VersaLight Catalog

APEX Kerrisons Flyer

OB/GYN Specialty Instruments Brochure

Image-Line Cervical Retractor System

T-Line Cervical Retractor System

Minimally Invasive Retractor System

Image-Trac Lumbar Retractor System

Lobster Retractor System

Table-Mounted Retractor Arm

Workhorse Retractor Sytem

Anteater Lumbar Retractor System

LightMat Retractor System

LightMat Hohmann Retractor

LightMat for Plastic Surgery

LightMat for Orthopedic Surgery

Neuro/Spine Specialty Instruments Brochure  

Cardiovascular and Thoracic Specialty Instruments Brochure

ENT Specialty Instruments Brochure

Plastic Surgery Specialty Instruments Brochure

ENT Specialty Instruments Flyer

Cardiovascular and Thoracic Specialty Instruments Flyer

Ophthalmology Specialty Instruments Flyer

호진메디칼(주)  한태현   229-81-39589

서울특별시 강남구 밤고개로1길 10, 1823호

@Copyright HoJin Medical 2023. All Right Reserved. 

회사명 : 호진메디칼(주)   대표자 : 한태현    사업자등록번호 : 229-81-39589    통신판매업 : 제2023-서울강남-04348호

주소 : 서울시 강남구 밤고개로1길 10. 1823호 (수서동, 수서현대벤처빌)  Tel : 02) 577-0588  Fax : 02) 576-2135

@Copyright Hojin Medical 2023. All Right Reserved.